Home education is the ideal way of studying history. Rather than having to follow a curriculum which takes specific periods of history out of context, children can learn about times or ancient cultures that interest them. They can read historic fiction for people-based backgrounds, or browse the Internet for relevant information and other history resources.
Many families like to use time-lines, so children can see the big picture of history. Below are a few sites with a wide range of history resources. Most are particularly appropriate for home educators, but may be of relevance to anyone else studying these topics. They are divided roughly into recommended age-groups; but please use your own judgement. Some younger children are able to deal with concepts and language intended for teenagers. Some teens prefer simpler information, if their learning style is more visual or kinaesthetic.
History resources for children under twelve
Mr Donn’s history – this site is an extensive resource with explanations about life in many ancient and modern cultures. The site has fairly large text, and is not too complicated. Appropriate for children of all ages who want to know more.
The Vikings – pictures and simple explanations about the Vikings. Ideal for children aged 7-8, with some links for older children.
The Tudors – All about Tudor times, produced for children at primary schools, around ages 7-11. Several other historical topics on this site too, following National Curriculum themes.
The Romans – A site intended for primary school homework. Clearly presented information about the Romans, and links to many other relevant history topics too.
Victorians – nicely presented pages about children in Victorian times. Information about their clothes, toys and working lives.
History resources for teenagers
Ancient Egypt – a site linked to the British Museum. Lots of information about life in Ancient Egypt. Choose from the menu, then click the picture that appears. Each option has further details, explorations, and graphical challenges. Ideal for older children.
Ancient Greece – an educational site covering many aspects of ancient Greek culture. Includes archaeology and art. Suitable for older children or teenagers.
History on the net – a full resource covering all historical periods studied in English schools. Includes some games and interactive activities.
Tudor history – extensive links about everything to do with the Tudors. More appropriate for older children and teenagers.
British History – links and information about many of the famous people in UK history. Probably most suitable for older children or teenagers.
Nazi Germany – thorough and clear explanations of how Hitler was able to come to power. There is a brief biography of Hitler himself. Appropriate for older children or teenagers interested in this period.
World History – a huge resource, covering world history, ancient and modern. Probably most suitable for teenagers.
Christian history online – an archive of articles with a Christian perspective on history.
You might also like to see my history page for further ideas and suggestions about introducing history to home educated children.
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