Blogs by home educators

People interested in home education often want to know how a normal day works. What is it really like to educate children at home? How can it work when there are children of different ages, or different interests? What about the presence of a baby, or an inquisitive toddler? What happens when the car won’t start, when the washing machine floods, when the children squabble or get bored? Do children – or parents – become lonely in between home educators’ meetings? On this page, however, I have selected a few blogs by home educators which mostly describe what life is like on a day-to-day basis for those educating children at home.

Blogs by home educators, past or present, still updated regularly:

Happiness is Here – Sara and her four daughters are unschooling in Australia. This blog explores what unschooling – or autonomous education – means. Sara explains the principles as well as giving examples of some practical aspects.

Five Escape the Classroom – This blog features a family of world-schoolers: parents, two children and a fluffy toy. Educational experiences at home and while travelling.

Our Muslim Homeschool – Gemma is a mother of three young children whom she home educates in the UK. Thoughtful writing, on topics such as literature, history, and Islamic studies.

Sometimes it’s Peaceful – Gill, an autonomous home educator in the UK writes about her life with children of various ages.

Making it up – Jax and Tim juggle work and home as they educate their daughter and younger son, while caring for two little ones, as well.

Former home educators’ blogs:

Wight Weirdos – Martin and Susan were home educators for many years. Their two daughters and son are now adults.

Always Somewhere – Sheila is a good friend of mine, who has been home educating her family of six children. The oldest is now twenty-six, the youngest fourteen.

Grit’s Day – This blog is written by a former home educator of triplet girls. She regularly updates it with posts about education which are relevant to current home educators.

Scottish vegan homemaker – Penny educated her son and daughter at home, in a house packed with books. They are now adults but the blog continues.

Brummie at Sea – my older son’s blog about his life on the MV Doulos and his work in Carlisle.

Along came Cherry – Cherry has two young daughters, whom she is home educating. Her blog has craft ideas as well as home education posts.

Home ed blogs which have not been updated in some time:

Patch of Puddles – Merry wrote about life with her four daughters and young son. They home educated for many years, then the girls went to school.

We hate workbooks! – June describes life with her four daughters. The oldest was 13 when she stopped writing on the blog, and the youngest was two. Plenty of photos to illustrate their days.

Radical Ramblings – Books and baking, cats, general chat, and a radical unschooling lifestyle

Starchild Searching – Lou used to be a home educator in the UK with four ‘lovely, wild, veggie children’ as she puts it.

Feet on the ground and head in the clouds – A blog from a mother of four lively boys, who home educated for many years.

Progressive homeschool – Nika is an American mother whose home educating was eclectic with quite a focus on science experimentation.